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Donegal Town to Killybegs


Any food supplied by us will be charged at cost only.

Cat Sitting (Option 1)

One 30 minute visit for your cat.



- Play time, feeding and brushing.

- All rubbish (food and litter) removed.

- Updates, Photos and Video.

First booking includes a free 'getting to know your pet' visit, so we can determine how your pet best likes to be pampered.


Cat Sitting (Option 2)

Two 20 minute visits for your cat in a day.


- Play time, feeding and brushing.

- All rubbish (food and litter) removed.

- Updates, Photos and Video.

First booking includes a free 'getting to know your pet' visit, so we can determine how your pet best likes to be pampered.


Small Pet Hotel

This is a premium service and includes:

- One nights stay for your pet in our indoor apartment.

- Fully central heated.

- Feeding, fun and exercise.

- A pet cam, so you can check in on your little friend.

While we prefer to keep pets in their own home, we realise this is not always possible. So we offer this service to ensure they are kept as happy as possible. Food not included. Pets must be vaccinated.


Other small Pets (Option 1)

One 30 minute visit for your pet.

Covers other small pets that may need some pampering, such as friendly rabbits.



- Play time, feeding and brushing.

- All rubbish (food and litter) removed.

- Updates, Photos and Video.

First booking includes a free 'getting to know your pet' visit, so we can determine how your pet best likes to be pampered.


Other small pets (Option 2)

One 20 minute visit for your small pet. 

Strictly for small, self sufficient pets, such as fish and mice.


- Feeding.

- Quick clean of living area.

- Updates, Photos and Video

Multiple fish count as one pet.

First booking includes a free 'getting to know your pet' visit, so we can determine how your pet best likes to be pampered.


Additional Pets

Your first two pets are included.

There is an additional charge for each additional pet. This is to ensure we can spend time with all our small clients. €2 sitting / €2.50 board.

€2.00 / €2.50 per pet

Pet treat cam hire

Hire a Petzi treat cam, to keep an eye on your little ones and house.

Petzi cams allow you to log on to an on-line pet cam at any time, call to your pets and provide tasty treats. The Petzi will be refilled daily with our own special mix or treats supplied by you.

We cannot guarantee your pet will come to the camera though!

Wi-Fi is required. 

€3.00 per day, free with a 7 day booking.

House Sitting

This is a premium service and includes:

- Care of all of your pets day and night (up to 6 pets).

- A pet treat cam.

- Updates, Photos and Video.

A trusted member of our team will stay overnight in your house, ensuring it and your pets are safe and secure. 

Go to info for more details.


Welcome Home Pack

To help you through the difficult transition from holiday mode to real life, we will ensure you have a loaf of bread and a pint of milk on your return.


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South Donegal

Please contact us for quotes outside the Donegal Town to Killybegs area. As a guide, the first 20km from Dunkineely is included in the prices above. We then charge an additional €2/visit for each additional 5km from Dunkineely.

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