In addition to being passionate about pets, we believe that naps, snacks and
playtime are enjoyed best at home.
At Saoirse Cats, we understand that you cannot always be there, and leaving your pet can be a stress that you do not want, either at work or on holiday. Let us, not only care for your pet at home, but also make sure you stay in touch through photos, video or even treat cams.
Saoirse Cats was created by Cas and Paul Smith. Pet lovers and owners all their life, they understand how hard it is for owners to leave their pets or put them in a cattery. Knowing that more and more, owners are being called away from home and that family and friends can't always be there to help, Cas and Paul set up Saoirse Cats to ensure your pets stay happy.
Now you can go away knowing your pet is in the best hands, safe at home.

Free getting to know your pet visit on first booking
Pets brushed and played with daily
(yes, we realise we should be paying you)
24 hour emergency contact number if your plans change
All rubbish (food and litter) removed
Ensure your house looks lived in for extra security
House plants watered for free
Pictures and video of your pet daily
Free pet cam for bookings of seven days or more (Wi-Fi required)
Daily Home Checks or house sitting
Spare sitters on call to cover emergencies
Ability to get to your pet in any weather