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We provide pet sitting in other people’s homes, and pet boarding.


When in our care, your pet’s health is our main concern. When we first meet with you, we will ask about any pet insurance you have, your preferred vet and emergency contact details. We will also cover any ongoing medical needs. If we have any doubts about your pet’s health, while in our care, our policy is to immediately seek veterinary advice.


We not only need to care for precious pets and are responsible for pet behaviour in public – but we also need be responsible for your home possessions and house keys. Don’t worry, we are covered.


Our pet sitting Insurance covers:


•    Public Liability – should your pet cause an accident or injury or damage someone else’s property.

•    The cost of finding your pet if they go missing.

•    Vet costs for any injury suffered by your pet while under our care.

•    Loss of Key Cover.

Please feel free to ask to see our certificate of insurance at any time.

We can only accept cats that have been vaccinated at least 14 days before boarding.

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